
Sunday, 6 October 2013

Bucket List Take Two...

I've just got back from a lovely evening away in Birmingham and on the way back we were discussing our bucket lists. I wrote a post on the top 10 things I'd like to do 4 months ago (see here) but now I want to compile a proper bucket list. No set numbers, just everything I want to do at this point in my life. 

A lot has changed over the past couple of months and it's made me question everything that I thought I wanted to do in the future. I sometimes forget in the whole craziness with leaving work and joining the 'real world' that I am only 21 years old and life doesn't have to be quite as serious as my parents feel the need to make out. I have a job, I earn money, I can support myself. Yeah it may not be a career yet but there is plenty of time for that, why not enjoy these next few years whilst I'm young, and forget about all that seriousness for now. Sounds like a plan to me anyway.

Anyway, before I really get into it, my bucket list take two. The real deal. I'm sure I will keep adding to this over time but for now these are what have made the cut...

Obviously the ones highlighted in yellow are ones I have already completed. I now am a fully fledged graduate with a 2:1 degree in Writing Fashion and Culture (aka fashion journalism), I went ice skating at Rockafella Center as part of a uni trip to New York, I visited LA on a school trip which feels like a lifetime ago now, I currently have three tattoos and am in the process of planning a fourth, I passed my driving test in 2010, and I went to an active volcano as part of a school trip to Hawaii which joined onto the aforementioned LA trip. 

I'm sure there are a million and one things that I haven't put on this list that I want to do at some point in my life, but these are the ones that stick out to me. I think that every single one of my lovely readers should write their own bucket list post and comment me with the link or hashtag it on Twitter #BloggerBucketList as I'd love to see what everyone else wants to do. So yeh, do it. Entertain me on my lonely Sunday evening.

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